Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Crucible Acts

Act One:
You get introduced to the setting and many characters in the story. It is set in Salem, Massachuttes in the late 1600's. The town is ruled a little differently than most. It is called a theocracy. It is the ruling of God through religious officals; like priests. The town of Salem revolves around their church, which their town is run by.
The story starts off when you meet a girl named Betty Parris and her father Reverend Parris. Betty is unresponsive and isn't moving. Rumor is that Betty has been afflicted by witchcraft. Reverend Parris asks for the help of Reverend of John Hale, who is an expert on witchcraft, to come and help him figure out what is wrong with Betty for sure. You also meet Abigial Williams, one of Betty's friends. Reverend Parris questions her about what is wrong with Betty because he saw those two girls and many others dancing in the forest in the middle of the night. Reverend Parris' slave Tituba is also present in the forest. Abigial denies anyone who tries to accuse them all of witchcraft.
You then meet Thomas Putnam and his wife. Mr.Putnam's wife thinks she knows quite a bit about witchcraft and thinks she can help out Reverend Parris and Betty. You also meet two maids. Mercy Lewis and Mary Warren.
While all these people are walking into Betty's room, she wakes up screaming that she wants her mother. The strange part is that her mother is dead...(not until the end of the book does she snap out of it.)

Act Two:
You meet John Proctor and his wife Elizabeth. Whoever Abigail and her friends say is involved in witchcraft, is convicted of it. John Proctor knows that Abigail has been trying to get Elizabeth convicted of witchcraft because Abigail wants John Proctor all to herself. Him and her have had an affair before, but Abigail just can't seem to let go of him. Mary Warren lives with the Proctor's and one night when she comes home she gives Elizabeth a doll that she made during a witchcraft court ruling. John gets angry at Mary for continuting to attend the trials. But Mary has been defending Elizabeth in court when she was accused by Abigail.
John Hale shows up at the Proctor's house because he wants to talk to Elizabeth. Some of his men get a search warrent for their house and they ask Elizabeth if she owns any dolls. She admits to only having the one that belongs to Mary. The men find a pin stuck in the doll. It seems like voodoo because Abigail also stabbed herself in the same spot with a sharp object. Parris finds the needle and accuses Elizabeth of witchcraft. They take Elizabeth away to be trialed as being a witch.

Act Three:
Court is in session. Here is the twist. John Procotor and Mary show up where Mary claims the girls were all only pretending to be afflicted by witchcraft. Everyone is shocked. John Proctor is just trying to free his wife. The judge tells John that Elizabeth has to wait to be hung now because she claims to be pregnant, and will be killed after she delivers. The judge send for Abigail and the other girls. Abigail says that everything Mary has told them is a lie. All the girls begin to panic while they are being pressured by the judge to tell the truth and blame it on Mary by saying she sent a cold wind upon them.
Proctor now gets very angry with Abigail and calls her a whore. He admits to their affair. He says that Abigail is only blaming Elizabeth so that she will be hung and Abigail can take her place in John's heart. Abigail is now totally against Elizabeth and John Proctor and say that Mary is sending the devil at them through spirit. John tries to comfort Mary but she tells him that he in touch with the devil.

Act Four:
Parris has been put into jail. Reverend Hale nows feels guitly for accusing so many people of witchcraft. He tries to get the innocent released from jail but none will confess. All of the people of Salem are still terrified that if they do anything they will get accused of witchcraft.
Proctor goes and visits Elizabeth in jail. She tells him over one hundred people have confessed to witchcraft. He wonders if he should confess. He wants people to feel guilty for wanting to hang an innocent man if he confesses. He eventually decides to confess. John Proctor is then executed, Elizabeth goes on to remarry years later, Abigial becomes a prostitue, and the town of Salem seems to become empty.

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