Monday, November 9, 2009

Coming of Age in Mississippi

--> Anne Moody-Autobiography

  • 1963-NAACP boy-cots
  • Anne goes door to door for NAACP which is ran by John Salter
  • She is also spokeswoman for a group that did sit-in at Woolworth's lunch counter with two others
  • They could possibly go to jail for doing so
  • The waitress told them that blacks are served in the back, but the three refused to move
  • The white people in the restaurant started to leave because of the blacks
  • Newsmen came in-soon whites followed
  • They tired to put ropes around the Negro's necks
  • The women prayed, and all hell broke loose
  • One white man beat up Anne's friend Memphis
  • Memphis was arrested for being accused as the attacker
  • Crowds chanted "communists"
  • One old man told the white boys to remove the blacks
  • White men carried Joan and Annie; both escaped their grips and crawled back to the counter
  • A college faculty member of Tougaloo (where blacks went) sat down with them
  • Now it was 2 whites & 2 blacks sitting at the counter
  • The whites threw mustard, ketchup, and other things at them
  • John came and sat with them, he got hit in the jaw with a brass knuckle and salt poured on his wound
  • One end of the counter, Lois & Pearlena were joined by George Raymond, worked for CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) & also a black high schooler
  • The mob sprayed them with paint and wrote nigger on the high-schooler's back
  • Finally the store owner closed down the store because of all the damage it was causing
  • About 90 police men watched this happen, police wouldn't even escort the black protesters out
  • As they walked out, police allowed people to throw anything at them
  • Reverend King picked them up and took them back to the NAACP office
  • Before they returned, Anne wanted to have her hair washed, they went to a hair dresser & she gladly cleaned Anne's hair for her
  • The hair dresser accepted her before 3 other white ladies, who were very kind and knew Anne needed help
  • At the church that night, people honored and applauded the ones who did the sit-in
  • It was just the beginning- "We shall overcome."

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